Online logbook
for Skipper
All sailing experience in one place.
Generate Sailing resume automatically and send skipper documents to charter company in 2 clicks.
StartMob app - coming soon
Statistics of sailing experience
Logbook automatically summarize sailing experience by nautical miles and days at sea. You can filter it by role, yacht type, period or tidal waters.
+ Create LogbookAutomatic sailing resume builder
Charter operators require full filling of a sailing resume before charter yacht in exotic region.
Your sailing resume generates automatically. Save your time! Just keep your logbook trips updated andsend sailing resume to receipient in a few clicks.
Generate resumeKeep skipper licenses in one place
Find your licenses by ID or add manually uploading a photo.
Upload licensesSend documents in two clicks
Send your documents before charter trip in pdf file. All charter operators require copy of licenses and sometimes Sailing resume.
With online logbook it take a few seconds to send it.
Send documentsShare trips with friends
Imagine that one of the crew members full filled the trip data to logbook and shared it with you. You just click "Accept invite" and voila - the trip is already in your logbook.
Share trips